4. Sitting the Exam

4.4. Exam Questions

Allowed reference material for exams
Theory exam
  • You have up to 4 hours to answer 20 exam questions in the e-learning platform.

  • The question types will include multiple choice and other question styles as described in the E-Learning Assessment Guide

You must first pass the theory exam (pass mark is 70% or above), to have access to the practical exam (pass mark is 80% or above).

  • You will be notified whether you have passed the theory exam by email. If you have passed the theory exam, the practical exam will be made available on your scheduled date.

Practical Exam

You have up to 5 hours to answer 10 exam practical questions.

  • The 10 questions require you to author in the training authoring platform.

    • Questions 1 to 4 require you to create a new concept to represent a given clinical meaning.

    • Questions 5 and 6 require you to inactivate the named concept.

    • Questions 7 to 10 require you to analyse and correct the named concept.

Allocation of time

  • You may wish to allocate the time you spend on each question based on the marks available for that question.

    • Seven questions are worth 10 marks each -  Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10

    • Two questions are worth 26 marks each - Questions 5 and 6

    • Question 9 is worth 20 marks

  1. For these questions, you must use the proximal primitive parent modelling approach. Other modelling approaches will not be accepted.

  2. All concepts must be classified and their classifications saved.

  3. It is advisable to check the review list to ensure that all concepts have been completed correctly prior to submitting.

  4. You will be authoring in the SnomedLand (ZZ) extension based on the Jan 2024 edition of SNOMED CT.

Questions 1 to 4 require you to create a new concept to represent a given clinical meaning.

  • The requested meaning has been accepted for inclusion in the SNOMEDLand extension.

  • You are not required to add any other concepts to model the focus concept being created.

Questions 5 and 6 require you to inactivate the named concept.

  • You will be required to make corrections to any concepts that are impacted by the inactivation.

    • Where a concept requires a change as part of the inactivation e.g. a subtype requires a new parent, then that concept should also be reviewed and corrected.

      • Hint. Concepts that are changed due to an inactivation also appear in the task review list therefore check correctness of these concepts as part of the process. 

    • If there is a concept that needs to be inactivated that also has a Not semantically equivalent description the concept will need to be inactivated first, before the description can be inactivated.

    • If you make changes to a concept before inactivating that concept, you must first revert back to the original concept. To do this, click on the "Revert to version" button to undo all your changes, and then inactivate the concept.

  • You may also need to create a new procedure or clinical finding/disorder concept as an attribute value if required (depends on focus concept).

    • Do not create other hierarchy concepts e.g. attributes or body structures, please model with existing content. This may lead to the concept remaining primitive.

  • Only changes to SNOMEDLand extension concepts are required.

Questions 7 to 10 require you to analyse and correct the named concept.

  • This may require a new procedure or clinical finding/disorder concept to be created as an attribute value.
    • Do not create other hierarchy concepts e.g. attributes or body structures, please model with existing content. This may lead to the concept remaining primitive.
  • Only changes to SNOMEDLand extension concepts are required.

Participants must inform SNOMED International (via certsupport@snomed.org) of any technical issues experienced during the exam within 24 hours of sitting the exam for these to be taken into consideration.