1. Introduction

1.2. Navigation

Once you have logged into your E-learning account you should see the following screen.  To access your course click on 'My Courses' in the top drop down menu. Or the  icon on the left hand side.  

Then select 'Implementation Course' to go into the homepage of the course. You will see the module tiles underneath the course welcome message.

Click on any of the tiles that you wish to start with or follow the modules as recommended if wanting to complete all modules (see 'About the course' for information on ways to complete the course).

Please note that the course modules and lessons can also be accessed by clicking on the three lines to the right of the page:



Once you've selected a lesson within the module you can also click on the right arrow link to view the sections of the lesson:

Clicking on the 'X' within both of these side menus will hide them again.