5. Module B - Literature Evaluation Principles and Clinical Finding Modeling

Estimated time – 30 hours

Working With Procedure Attributes (ebook)
  • Develops knowledge on modeling procedure concepts and covers the use of a range of Procedure attributes (6 concepts need creating)
Modeling Specific Procedures (ebook)
  • Modeling of specific procedure concepts (5 concepts need creating)
Procedure Modeling Quiz
  • Modeling interactive quiz to check knowledge of procedure modeling (8 concepts need creating)
Creating New Attribute Value Concepts (ebook)
  • Key principles on creating new attribute values
Advanced Concept Inactivation (ebook)
  • Explores what needs to be considered when inactivating a concept where the inactivation impacts other concepts
Concept Inactivation Additional Considerations (video)
  • Demonstrates some of the more advanced considerations around concept inactivation including incoming relationships and historical associations
Concept Inactivation Exercises (ebook)
  • Exercises to develop understanding of the principles to be considered when inactivating SNOMED CT concepts (3 focus concepts need review and appropriate actions need to be carried out)
Concept Reactivation (ebook)
  • Discusses how a concept reactivation can be performed
Module B - Group Activity (forum)
  • Course participants discuss and collaborate via a forum with other participants on a group activity to make suggestions about a modeling issue (Solution tutor marked)
Module B Webinar – Assignment Review
  • Tutor led webinar reviewing Module A assignments
Module B Webinar
  • Tutor led webinar including practical exercises on procedure modeling and inactivations (Preparation work before webinar – 3 concepts need creating, 2 focus concepts need review and appropriate actions need to be carried out)
Module B Assignment
  • Procedure concept modeling assignment (4 concepts - Self marked)
  • Concept inactivation assignment (6 focus concepts need review and appropriate actions need to be carried out - Self marked)